WordPress Website Design & Development




We are a full service WordPress Design and Development Company in Honolulu, Hawaii. Below are just a few of the services we offer.

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Looking to create something custom? We will create a 100% website design and then implement that into the latest version of WordPress. This is the best option to stand out from your competition!



Need custom functionality such as connecting to an API such as an IDX or a custom map finder to find local restaurants? Our WordPress development team can assist with anything WordPress development related.



Having a website that is mobile responsive is one of the most important aspects of getting ranked in Google search. Also having a nice looking website isn’t enough, it also has to be optimized for the best user experience.
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I am sure you have heard of the horror stories of WordPress sites getting attacked? It happens every single day. Our security experts lock down your site to minimize possible security breaches and monitor your site daily.


Already have a Wix, Squarespace or Shopify site and need it converted to something easier to use? Have a website that you just don’t like on one of those platforms? Sit back and relax and let us handle the grunt work.
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We value a long term relationship with our clients and wont abandon you once the job is completed. We will teach you how to run your site yourself and also assist you if you get stuck on something.

WordPress is search-engine friendly.

If you want to get your website ranked in Honolulu then you should consider WordPress as your content management system (CMS). We implement a few tried and true tools that help streamline the on-page SEO process.

One of the tools we use is the Yoast SEO plugin. This plugin alone helps to globally set up your on-page meta data with additional fields for creating XML site maps. Another tool we use is the easy 301 redirect plugin. This plugin is essential when moving from one platform to another to make sure Google knows that your pages have changed or that there is additional content.

WordPress has a pinging functionality that automatically notifies Google when there is new content on your website and to come and get it!

WordPress is easy to use for non-technical people.

WordPress has been around since May of 2003 and in that time it has come a long way. Back in the day it was very limited on what you could and couldn’t do out of the box.

It can still be challenging if you don’t have someone to guide you with picking the right theme. We choose Divi as our framework and builder which allows you to drag and drop content. Move items around and change images and text easily. Tasks such as adding products to an eCommerce site or adding a new blog are as easy as using a Microsoft Word document.

Before launching your site you staff will be fully trained on all things WordPress. All of these changes are easily handled by the least technically challenged person of your staff.

WordPress offers ultimate design flexibility

Other building platforms such as Wix and SquareSpace site can look fine if you stick to what their designs and layouts look like. The problem comes when you try and make minor changes to the style to match what YOU want or what speaks to your customers. What if you want to change the fonts and or colors? What if you want to add a page or section transition effect? What if you need additional functionality?

Every business in Hawaii has competitors of some sort that do basically the same thing as you do. The key is to differentiate yourself and your website by having a design that speaks to your clients and customers.

We have been creating custom WordPress Website Designs in Hawaii since 1999 and feel confident that choosing WordPress will be the right choice for you and your company.

WordPress is the most used, most reliable CMS in Hawaii.

WordPress powers 34% of the internet in 2019, a 4% rise from the previous year. If you count only the CMS-built sites, then about 60% of them are WordPress. Over 400 million people visit WordPress sites each month. In 2016, nearly 118 billion words were published on WordPress.

Given the huge amount of websites in Hawaii that use WordPress there is little to argue about that its the most used and polished content management system out there.

It still blows me away that all of the things you can do right out of the box that all you and your company to handle mundane simple tasks easily. Even if you have a fully customized site like Maui Brewing Company or Dole Plantation you can rest assured that your WordPress website will up and running with no issues.


To answer that question will take a bit of information. Most of our WordPress websites are usually within the $1500 to $3800 range depending on the design and if there is any specific additional functionality required. Although we do from time to time do websites for under $1,000 if that’s what the budget is. We also do custom websites for well over $10,000 so you can see we handle just about every type of business there is in Hawaii. Our hourly rate is $65 per hour and we do have a few fixed costs such as website hosting and a few plugins we recommend. Every single project is quoted on a per client basis though.

The actual cost of a WordPress web design is determined by many factors. Basically, it comes down to the following: 1) How much design time will be required for the WordPress design? 2) How large is the website? 3) How much functionality is needed? 4) Additional factors such as schedule and time needed to manage the project. As most of web design comes down to just labor costs most of the estimating process can be handled by educated guesses relating to man-hours for each phase of a project. To determine the price of your WordPress project we just need 15 minutes on the phone with you to discuss the particulars and we can come back with a full proposal usually within a day or two.

There are many pieces to the puzzle that determines the actual cost of the site. In general it comes down to the following:

Even though we are working on a computer and yes we do reused code from past jobs its basically a quote based on time and man hours. The more time we need the more it will cost.

We have been doing WordPress sites for over 10 years now and have a great understanding of how long it takes to do things so with just a quick 10 to 15 min call I can usually get pretty close with an estimate in a couple of hours.


A Few of Our Happy Customers

MauiHard Seltzer

Maui Hard Seltzer

Maui Brewing Company continues to use us as their go to for website design and development.

Arturo Tortillas

Arturo’s Tortillas

Their outdated and uninviting website prompted the need for a new one that effectively presented their food in an appealing manner while assuring its safety and appeal; additionally, we addressed the owner's other hot sauce business with a dedicated solution.

Hawaii Tobacco QuitLine

Hawaii Tobacco Quit Line

Discover. Discover how tobacco use affects the body. Test. Test if your tobacco use has become an addiction. ... From fighting to quit to winning with the Quitline.