

Mutual Publishing


Web Development


Mutual Publishing

Mutual Publishing

Established in 1974 with the publication of Hawaii Planner, A Travel Diary, Mutual Publishing is proud to offer one of the largest selections of Hawaiiana titles found in the Islands. We publish books about everything from Hawaiian, history, and natural sciences to fiction, and local arts and crafts. Mutual Publishing draws from a diverse group of dynamic authors, artists, photographers, and experts to be Hawaii’s largest trade publishing house. Mutual Publishing also offers a full range of private label products and services.

How they Found us

Alfred Monico found me by doing a search on Google and then also verified us on Yelp!.

How We Helped Them

Mutual Publishing was using a shopping cart called Sunshine Carts. The main issue was that it didn’t look very good and wasn’t mobile responsive. The other main issue is that they also have a store on the Star Advertiser website that was the same yet different and they needed to integrate the two sites. We first developed a plan to migrate over 500 items from their current website and then upload to a Woo-commerce theme that we developed. We also made sure that the site was fully responsive to make it as easy as possible for people to purchase their products.

Services Provided

  • E-Commerce
  • E-Commerce Websites
  • Enterprise
  • Responsive Design
  • Website Design
  • Website development
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Maintenance
  • Wordpress Maintenance

A Few of Our Happy Customers

MauiHard Seltzer

Maui Hard Seltzer

Maui Brewing Company continues to use us as their go to for website design and development.

Aloha Keiki Rentals

Aloha Keiki Rentals

Our collaboration involved a wide array of valuable inputs, including logo design, crafting a customized shopping cart system with functionalities such as scheduling, contract creation, and an integrated calendar, alongside significant assistance in website design and comprehensive development services.

Dole Plantation

Dole Plantation

Originally operated as a fruit stand beginning in 1950, Dole Plantation opened to the public as Hawaii’s “Pineapple Experience” in 1989. Today, Dole Plantation is one of Oahu’s most popular visitor attractions and welcomes more than one million visitors a year.